21 September 2008, Sunday 12.05am
A enters into a contract with B that they will go travel around the world after they earn enough money.This contract has no time limitation and shall be set aside only because of the death of either party.
25 September 2008, Thursday 8.43pm
A promised that A still want B no matter what B becomes, this contract is valid forever.
I still remembered i made these promises to somebody....The second one is definitely joking...
The first one is a real one...But i don't know whether i have the chance to fulfill it or not...
Seems like i like to simply promise people things but don't know whether i can fulfill it or not...
Somehow, i will try my best to fulfill the very first promise....
In the meantime, the promisee, you wait patiently ya....
4天3夜胡志明市 - 吃了很多pho之旅
8 years ago
haha...no pro..i believe that the person will wait patiently de...
haha...ya ke?
Then i hope that person really will wait patiently la...
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