Thursday, October 30, 2008

Untitled (i)

I listened to this song many many times since last week...
I like the lyrics very much...
Feel the meaning of the lyric is very true...

林峰 - 爱不疚

收藏在眼眸 常徘徊左右 爱 猜到没有
愉快玩笑後 能全然退後 你 开心就够
这种感觉太亲厚 讲一千句也不够
假使讲了 你听到後或会走
这种恋爱太罕有 不需真正拥有
成全 衷心祝福然後就放手
放手 放开所有 彼此更自由
放手 其实我绝非爱得不够
放手 豁出所有 还有这个好友
已经 已经足够

遥远是宇宙 静静在背後 去看守就够
这种感觉太亲厚 讲一千句也不够
即使一刹有过冲动 挽你手
这种恋爱太罕有 不需真正拥有
成全 多舍不得仍然 是放手
放手 放开所有 彼此更自由
放手 其实我绝非爱得不够
放手 豁出所有 还有这个好友
已经 已经足够
放手 我的牵挂 找不到尽头
放手 期望你幸福甚麽都有
也许 爱很深厚 然而我早看得透
放手 至可拥有

P/S : This song contains 11 放手..

Feel Want to Cry

When will you feel sad??
Will you feel sad when you hope to get something but you can't get it??
Or will you feel sad just because you are not happy??

I don't know, but i will feel sad when I was really sad...
Most of the time I will feel there is something that I really can't 放 开....
As times go by this kind of sadness will become hollow...
Then finally it will become despair...
That's me...

Normally I will show people the happy side of myself...
Show other people my sadness make me feel that I am weak...
Suddenly I miss the time that I could cry easily...
When small, I can cry just like that when I feel sad...
Feel want to cry out all my problems,
but how?
I feel want to cry, but tears just won't come out.....

Wednesday, October 29, 2008


Some kind of people is very fake....
They can tell you, i hate this person...
But when you change your head, you can see him/her talking to the abovementioned happily..

Why they are so fake??
When you don't like someone, why should you pretend?

Why make yourself so fake??
What can you get from it??

Friday, October 24, 2008


有三个人正在焦急的等公共汽车。 
我不知道这是不是一个对你性格的测试, 因为每一个回答都有他自己的原因。


是否是因为我们从未想过要放弃我们手中已经拥有的优势(车钥匙)? 有时,如果我们能放弃一些我们的固执,狭隘,和一些优势的话,我们可能会得到更多。


从前有一个和尚跟一个屠夫是好朋友。和尚天天早上要起来念经,而屠夫天天要起来杀猪。 为了不耽误他们早上的工作,是他们约定早上互相叫对方起床。



Wednesday, October 8, 2008


Today result finally come out already....
Never expect it to be so fast...

When my friend told me result is out already, i asked her to help me check..
She told me can't log in, then after that i told another friend to check for me, still can't log in...

Then i waited and waited and waited, from 1.30pm to 5.30pm.....
4 hours is like 4 years...
Hard to pass...

I planned to swim after work, but anxious to know my result, i went home first...
Sweat, when i returned home, my mum told me no electricity supply at that moment....

What a day!!!!
Finally i get my result after a hard day.....
Must work hard for the next semester.....

Monday, October 6, 2008


This morning, my neighbour brand new Honda Civic was stolen by a group of Indian men...
I shouldn't say it was stolen, as these Indian walked into my neighbour house, grab the key and drove the car away...

My neighbour was partly to be blamed also...
She didn't close the main gate and the door as well....
Those Indian men drove a Toyota Camry, mainly a stolen car as well...

They walked into the house as though the house was theirs, take the key and speed off...
First time i heard of this kind of things..
People today is really scary....
All kind of crimes are happening.....

If i met with someone who try to rob my car or whatever, i swear, if he has no gun and i m still inside the car, i will knock him to death....I promise that.....
I won't feel sorry to this kind of people, to me their existence are more useless than rubbish..
At least rubbish can be recycled, but they will create problems to the society only...