Wednesday, January 14, 2009

I hate my University

Well...I hate my university ....
My university is a place where you need to queue no matter what you want to do....
Go to class need to queue, go to canteen need to queue, go to atm need to queue,
apply car park sticker need to queue, and perhaps go to toilet also need to queue

Car park sticker- it is a RM300/piece sticker that need to be stick on your car just to let you park your car in the campus (P.S. Park at your own risk)...
Well, it is even more expensive than a passport as passport can valid for 5 years...
This sticker is only valid for a year....

When you apply for this sticker, you need to take a form to the DSA and then pay money to the Finance Department...

The ridiculous part is when it is already my turn, a don't know where come out de pig come to complain that it is very messy...
Then a bull-dog look alike staff come out to say, "This section is closed"
Then, they ask us to come back again at 2pm...

After we went out, those PK gives away numbering note and only those with numbering note can apply for the sticker....
Fxxx them....(Allow me to use foul language to scold them as i am very angry)
I don't know where this kind of staffs come from, i only know that they are completely not systematic and messy

Few hundred students can only apply sticker in one day,
And those brilliant 'genius' only open one counter in a damn 'big' room...
And their efficiency is just like the government sections...

If i saw the bull-dog look alike bad manners staff lying on the ground unconsciously or drown in the lake, i swear i won't save him nor call somebody to help him...
So do the First Aid pig...
Pray that they fall on the ground at least once per day....

爬楼 与人生

有一对兄弟,他们的家坐在80层楼上。有一天他们外出旅行回家,发现大楼停电了!虽然他们背着大包行李,但看来没有什么别的选择,于是哥哥对弟弟说:“我们 就爬楼梯上去吧!”于是,他们背着两大包行李开始爬楼梯。爬到20楼的时候,他们开始累了,哥哥说:“包太重了,不如这样吧,我们把包放在这里,等来电后 我们坐电梯来拿。”于是,他们把行李放在了20楼,轻松多了,继续向上爬。

他 们有说有笑地爬,但是好景不长,到了40楼,两人很累了。想到还只爬了一半,两人开始互相埋怨,指责对方不注意大楼的停电公告,才会落得如此下场,他们边 吵边爬,就这样一路爬到了60楼。到了60楼,他们累得连吵架的力气也没有了。弟弟对哥哥说:“我们不要吵了,爬完它吧!”于是他们默默地继续爬楼,80 楼终于到了!来到家门口兄弟俩发现居然钥匙留在了20楼的包里面了……

启 示:有人说,这个故事其实是反映了我们的人生:20岁以前,我们活在家人、老师的期望之下,背负着很多的压力、包袱,自己也不够成熟、能力不足,因此步履 难免不稳。20岁之后,离开了众人的压力,卸下了包袱,开始全力以赴地追求自己的梦想,就这样愉快地过了20年。可是到了40岁,发现青春已逝,不免产生 许多的遗憾和追悔,于是开始遗憾这个、惋惜那个、抱怨这个、嫉恨那个……就这样在抱怨中度过了20年。到了60岁,发现人生所剩不多,于是告诉自己不要再抱怨了,就珍惜剩下的日子吧!于是默默地走完了自己的余年。到了生命的尽头,才想起自己好像有什么事情没有完成……原来,我们所有的梦想都留在了20岁的青春岁月,还没有来得及完成……